Strategic Planning

Managing and maximizing strategic planning; getting the most out of goal setting, visioning, and framing

The Unseen Costs of Winging It: Four Reasons Why Strategic Planning is Crucial for Nonprofits

The primary goal of every nonprofit is to make a tangible difference. Strategic planning facilitates this by helping organizations measure their impact, identify areas for improvement, and refine their strategies accordingly. It also enhances reporting to donors and stakeholders, potentially leading to increased support and enhanced credibility. This article explores four critical reasons nonprofit organizations cannot afford to “wing it”.

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How to Ensure Your Strategic Planning Powers Organizational Success

Are you ready for a strategic plan? Strategic plans are incredibly valuable tools, particularly for nonprofit organizations that are always trying to balance meeting the needs of those they serve with often increasingly fewer resources. BWF’s Tracey Storey dives into the questions you should ask yourself as you consider undertaking a strategic planning process.

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How to Ensure Your Strategic Plan is More Than Just a Plan

Strategic planning is a cornerstone of organizational success. So how can you ensure that your plan is more than just a plan? This article takes you through five steps to develop a good strategic planning process that encourages you to adopt a strategic thinking mindset and be flexible without being inconsistent.

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Who Gets a Seat at the Table When Writing a Strategic Plan?

As you begin to draft a new strategic plan, there are two questions you must answer early in the process: Who will you involve in the planning process and when? Involving a diverse range of stakeholders in the strategic planning process can greatly enhance the effectiveness and impact of your nonprofit’s strategic plan.

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Are You Ready for a Strategic Plan?

How do you make sure that your strategic plan does more than sit on a shelf and gather dust? How do you know when your organization is ready to write its first strategic plan or update its existing plan? BWF’s Tracey Storey answers the questions you should ask yourself as you consider undertaking a strategic planning process.

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Development Debrief Podcast

Innovation and Impact Podcast Series

Kathryn Van Sickle explores the theme of innovation in the fundraising industry. Be inspired by the guests as they talk about how they have shaped and shifted the sector through thinking outside of the box.

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CRM Analysis & Conversion

Identifying the Right Philanthropic Investments

According to a joint Candid and Center for Disaster Philanthropy 2020 study, between 7 and 34 percent of all nonprofits were at risk of closing because of the pandemic. At the heart of the discussions were budgets. As we look to 2022, now is the time to build more sustainable models and diversify revenue streams. What are some ways to approach investing in your advancement program with an eye on the return?

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Business Process Optimization

Year-End Goal-Setting Done Right

Fiscal year-end is right around the corner for many of us. This is often a busy time of year, and planning & and goal- setting for the coming year is on everyone’s to-do lists. Regardless of whether the goal you’re setting is financial or based on activities, or whether it applies to your whole entire organization or only a small team, here are some practical techniques that can help make your goal- setting more proactive, efficient, and accurate.

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Fundraising in Times of Uncertainty

Fundraising in Times of Uncertainty

When COVID-19 began, it left many in the philanthropic sector facing unprecedented challenges to overcome. Here BWF shares insights on fundraising in these uncertain times.

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