Donor Relations

Engaging and stewarding donors and prospects

Understanding Generosity: A Look at What Influences Volunteering and Giving in the United States

The University of Maryland School of Public Policy’s Do Good Institute recently released a report focusing on what influences volunteering and giving in the US. The study sought to understand the relationship between “micro-level variables (characteristics of the survey respondent) and macro-level variables (characteristics of the survey respondent’s community or place)” and philanthropic behavior, specifically examining monetary donations and volunteering time. 

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A few people look at a laptop screen in an office setting.

Donor Experience: How to Create Unforgettable Moments

How can you keep donors engaged year after year? The secret is in improving your donor experience. Learn how to create a memorable journey with this guide.

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In this article, learn more about how Salesforce tools can help your higher education organization improve alumni engagement.

5 Salesforce Tools to Help You Boost Alumni Engagement

Looking to improve your university’s technology stack and better engage alumni? Read about five Salesforce tools that can help you boost alumni engagement.

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You Might Be Undervaluing the Donor Experience in Your Fundraising Program

One of the most trending topics in fundraising in recent years is the rise of Donor Experience offices. What are charities doing to up their game for the benefit of donors? What are the factors that influence donor retention? This white paper explores the importance of these programs and provides insights for those crafting their own programs.

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This image shows a stethoscope on a desk in front of a healthcare professional.

7 Proven Healthcare Fundraising Strategies to Revive Giving

Healthcare fundraising is essential to continue delivering a high level of care and resources to your patients and community members. In this guide, we’ll cover strategies to improve your healthcare fundraising approach, better connect with donors, and serve your community more effectively.

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Follow these steps to build a powerful annual giving strategy.

8 Steps to Create a Powerful Annual Giving Campaign

A robust annual giving campaign is critical for creating a reliable fundraising stream. Follow these eight steps to build a powerful annual giving approach.

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How to Best Engage Donors in the Mission of Academic Medical Centers

In today’s healthcare landscape, academic medical centers (AMCs) play a critical role in advancing research, education, and patient care. Those who are familiar with AMCs understand the opportunities afforded to the community through these unique healthcare models. However, educating potential donors on the importance of AMCs and addressing the other challenges facing today’s academic healthcare organizations can be tricky. In this guide, we review everything you need to know to effectively engage donors in fundraising, communications, strategic planning, and relationship building to support the mission of academic medical centers.

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Trust—Just What the Doctor Ordered

Whether you are building a new grateful patient program or simply evolving one, the best prescription is a healthy dose of trust. It is not always easy to build trust with development professionals so that physicians feel comfortable entrusting fundraisers with the precious relationships they hold so dear when caring for a patient. BWF’s Kara Wagner describes potential obstacles and ways to overcome them.

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Rethinking Patient Facilitated Access

If you work in healthcare, you likely have been the recipient of a call from a donor looking for help. The donor might be asking for help scheduling an appointment (often seeking a slot sooner than what the donor could get on their own), securing a private room, assisting a friend or family member in a medical crisis, or smoothing out a challenging healthcare experience. These requests raise a host of ethical and logistical challenges. Forces in society and the healthcare industry are shaping contemporary views of facilitated access programs. From healthcare equity to labor shortages to burnout, difficult times put more pressure on philanthropy to deliver.

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