Prospect Research & Management

Achieving a stronger prospect pipeline, optimized portfolios, and building capacity

The Role of Prospect Research in Fundraising and Institutional Protection

Protecting a nonprofit’s reputation is crucial—it’s the most valuable asset an organization possesses. In this article, BWF and Xapien explore how prospect researchers can analyze potential donors not just from an opportunity perspective, but also from a legal and reputational standpoint.

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3 Steps to Alleviate Scope Creep in Prospect Development

Focusing, prioritizing, and planning are ways to ensure prospect development efforts are spent on high-value tasks that produce a strong return on investment. Here are three steps to help you focus on the primary goal, prioritize the highest-impact work that leverages prospect development’s unique skills, and minimize scope creep.

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Building a Stronger Donor Pyramid with 5 Effective Fund Management Principles

Constructing and maintaining the donor pyramid takes more than identifying a wide base of support. When we think of the overall advancement enterprise, we must consider the groundwork that underpins the entire operation. That groundwork is effective fund management. Our partners at FundMiner outline five core foundational fund management principles to help you get started.

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7 Ethical Considerations When Implementing AI at Nonprofits

As the world witnesses an explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the nonprofit sector is also exploring the vast potential of AI in fundraising efforts. While the excitement around AI is palpable, nonprofit leaders must approach its implementation with careful consideration of ethical implications. In this blog post, we will delve into the ethical considerations that nonprofit leaders must consider when embracing AI for fundraising.

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Practical Application of AI

The impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is being felt across industries, reshaping the way we interact with technology and the world around us. This article explains why it’s essential to communicate clearly how AI is used, why it’s used, and how it improves the donor’s experience and the organization’s impact.

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In this guide, we'll review what your organization should know about fundraising predictive analytics and modeling.

Fundraising Predictive Analytics: Expert Tips for Nonprofits

Fundraising predictive analytics can help your nonprofit model future donor behaviors to better connect with supporters. Learn more with this complete guide.

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Navigating the AI Metropolis: Empowering Nonprofit Fundraising Through Data-Driven Strategies

The power of AI in fundraising is being harnessed further, accelerating the progress of our organizations and the causes we hold dear. Looking ahead and to ensure fundraising’s future is hopeful, good “citizens” are needed to harness the power of AI and use it for good, and quickly. Embracing the potential of our AI neighborhoods and a brighter, more data-driven future for nonprofits is taking shape. This article takes a look at the evolving landscape of AI in fundraising and how best to harness it for your organization.

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How Recent Changes in the U.S. Real Estate Market Affects Prospect Research

When conducting prospect research, a fundraising professional may reference many different data points as wealth indicators of a prospect. Research professionals often use real estate as a central data point to assess capacity, since it is very easy to identify. This article will help establish a baseline for the new normal of the real estate market in the United States and how it affects the prospect research professional’s day-to-day.

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Prospect Development in a Changing Landscape: Adapting Ethical Practices for the Future

The recent meteoric rise of ChatGPT, a chatbot built by OpenAI, has generated a flurry of posts and articles about the future of machine learning technologies. The conversation has raised some important ethical questions.

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