Thought Leadership

BWF is a recognized and respected thought leader in the philanthropic sector. We are constantly assessing the fundraising landscape and providing timely guidance and insights.

BWF is a recognized and respected thought leader in the philanthropic sector. We are constantly assessing the fundraising landscape and providing timely guidance and insights.

Due Diligence Isn’t Just for Gift Acceptance Policies Anymore

Due diligence is not a policy or program any organization wants to implement. Who wants to turn away much needed support or gifts to an organization, much less divert additional hard-earned resources to implement a process to support it? But as fiduciaries of our donors’ resources, we must. So where do you begin?

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Data Governance

Mission Control: Perform a Data Inventory in Preparation for a Successful Data Governance Launch

Data governance is becoming an increasingly salient aspect of fundraising operations and is rapidly gaining ground among top organizational priorities. For many organizations, one of the most challenging aspects of developing a system of data governance is figuring out where to begin. BWF provides these helpful tips to help you get started and plan strategically.

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Giving USA 2022

Giving USA 2022 Report Insights

BWF is excited to share the key findings from this year’s Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy. Presented by the research team at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and the fundraising professionals at Giving USA Foundation, the Giving USA report is the longest-running, most extensive report on philanthropy in the United States. BWF is proud to be a member of The Giving Institute.

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Multi-Vendor Partnerships

Fundraising operations has grown increasingly complex over recent years due to advances in technology and the need to support multichannel fundraising initiatives. Whether the topic is cloud computing, crowd fundraising, text-to-give, or a CRM upgrade, the choices for platforms and support are numerous and sometimes dizzying. This article explores this complexity as many organizations turn to outside support for implementation to provide strategic advice on how to navigate multiple consulting partners.

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What’s on the Menu? What Advancement Communicators Can Learn From Lunch

Nonprofits can learn much from the restaurant menu. Just as every restaurant has the menu as its primary point-of-sale marketing tool, a beautifully designed and well-written case statement serves as the heart of campaign communications. Learn how this idea can drive a campaign’s central document, contain larger messaging, define a graphic identity, and tell stories that tie the goals of the campaign to the organization’s greater purpose.

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A Trusted Partnership, Customized Solutions

The departure of the University of Central Florida’s AVP of Advancement Services led to the need for interim staffing and managed services. In addition, UCF wanted to improve its prospect discovery lists by better understanding which prospects were likeliest to accept a visit from gift officers. BWF provided embedded leadership that helped prioritize and shepherd projects and built a customized visit likelihood model to inform decision making.

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The Science Behind Development Communications

Modern public relations is, at its heart, a combination of psychology and sociology. As communications practitioners, we’re seeking ways to influence both public opinion and private behavior. The research done in this century is helping us to better understand both aspects.

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How to Use the RFP Process to Plan Effectively

The formal process of requesting proposals for the purchasing of products and services can provide immense value to an organization. The RFP process can maximize the return on investments, shed essential insight into the internal operations and structure, and increase organizational success.

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Partners in Philanthropy: The Hospital/Health System CEO and CDO

Look behind the scenes of any significant capital campaign or in the hallways of a high-performing hospital foundation, and you will likely find the hospital or health system chief executive officer (CEO) in lock step with the foundation head or chief development officer (CDO).

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