Thought Leadership
BWF is a recognized and respected thought leader in the philanthropic sector. We are constantly assessing the fundraising landscape and providing timely guidance and insights.
BWF is a recognized and respected thought leader in the philanthropic sector. We are constantly assessing the fundraising landscape and providing timely guidance and insights.
Look behind the scenes of any significant capital campaign or in the hallways of a high-performing hospital foundation, and you will likely find the hospital or health system chief executive officer (CEO) in lock step with the foundation head or chief development officer (CDO).
With advancement teams around the country considering or making the move to return to the office, advancement leaders would be wise to pay attention to some of the trends identified in this report and consider their plans accordingly.
Everyone knows that taxes are one of the two things you can count on in life, but no one likes to talk about them. As fundraisers and development communicators, we need to rethink this strategy and change how we approach—or don’t approach—the topic with our prospects and donors.
We often talk about creating a culture of philanthropy within our organizations. It’s one of those nebulous concepts that everyone strives for, but many don’t achieve. The truth is a culture of philanthropy is not the result of human resources or fundraising. It’s the culmination of consistent, powerful, and continuous internal communications.
Have a moonshot idea that needs a transformational gift to make it a reality? Want to deepen your pipeline of well-heeled and influential donors looking to co-create philanthropic opportunities? Wondering if your strategies and communications are fully leveraged to reach this dynamic yet relatively small pool of UHNW individuals? This thought piece explores the motivations of UHNW individuals and provides insights into how best to ensure your communications approaches hit the mark.
Problems often arise when implementing new software, but they need not be inevitable. Anticipating potential problems before going live can minimize or eliminate those potential issues after go-live. Below are several potential post-go-live problems you’ll want to be aware of in advance.
Great stewardship is important throughout the year, but February is a particularly good time to reach out and share some love with your major donors. Whether you work at a major university or in a health care system or in a small, all-volunteer shop, every organization can give their donors warm fuzzies with a few simple tips.
The growing interest in the the due diligence process along with the ethics and reputational risk in philanthropy is growing globally. This survey, which was a collaboration between BWF and PyroTalks CIC, initially focused on the UK & Europe and was later extended to include Australia thanks to a partnership with Apra Australia. The differences in findings have been summarized below to provide a useful perspective on international approaches to due diligence.
Kathryn Van Sickle explores the theme of innovation in the fundraising industry. Be inspired by the guests as they talk about how they have shaped and shifted the sector through thinking outside of the box.