James Barnard

Managing Vice President, Annual Giving and Digital Marketing

James Barnard knew he’d found his place when he discovered the fundraising industry. For him, the opportunity to do good work and help others achieve their goals is priceless. As a fundraiser, he feels there are countless opportunities to make an impact by facilitating the impact others will make.

James believes that philanthropy fueled many of the most important changes in the world. By its very nature, philanthropy can facilitate an inclusive process that ensures there is a community of support to keep a good idea alive while figuring out a way to make it happen.

At BWF, James will use his decade plus of experience to help nonprofit clients develop digital strategies for fundraising and marketing. He has been active in CASE for years, having been a conference speaker and CASE District III board member.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill

Most of James’ free time is joyfully spent with his infant daughter. He does try to make time for other activities, such as Gaelic football (which some find strange for a Brit) and watching both live and televised soccer matches, and he’s an avid DIYer.