Base & Mid-Level Giving

Creating successful programs for base giving and mid-level giving

Giving USA 2021

BWF Shares Giving USA 2021 Highlights

As one of the most comprehensive and widely referenced data reports, the Giving USA annual report is often met with equal amounts of immense anticipation and excitement for those in the philanthropic industry. BWF is excited to share the key findings from this year’s Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy.

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Strategic Planning

Mid-Level Giving: Retain, Engage, and Build Your Pipeline

How do you maintain increased fundraising while also sustaining new engagement levels? By implementing a mid-level giving program, you don’t have to pick one.

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Don’t Be Satisfied with “Satisfied”

Don’t Be Satisfied with “Satisfied”

Employee satisfaction and employee engagement are similar concepts on the surface, and many people use these terms interchangeably. Knowing the difference between the two is critical for an organization to create a culture of engagement.

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Grateful Patient Fundraising and Concierge Services

Grateful Patient Fundraising and Concierge Services

While most healthcare concierge programs are not focused on philanthropy, these programs are playing an increasingly important role in fundraising. With the blurring lines between concierge services and intentional grateful patient fundraising, the question becomes what the appropriate use of data is.

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The Role of Social Norms

The Role of Social Norms

The newest report from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, Encouraging Giving to Women’s & Girls’ Causes: The Role of Social Norms, explores the intersection of social norms, gender, and charitable giving. This study analyzes how current giving behavior of others, future outlooks on giving, and gender affect donor behavior.

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Three Strategies to Get Personal with Donors

Three Strategies to Get Personal with Donors

As the holiday memories fade and we start the new year, now is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and develop an action plan. It is time to go beyond just thanking donors and start engaging donors.

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Hosting Acquisition Events

Hosting Acquisition Events: Increase Your Leadership Annual Fund Donors

To have a successful event, you will need three key things: a well-thought-out list of invitations, a compelling speaker (or speakers) with a genuine message and ask, and a hospitable atmosphere.

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