Jeff Hilperts greets each dawn knowing that what he’ll accomplish that day will positively impact the lives of others at home and abroad. After all, he has a front-row seat to the difference philanthropy can make.
Take for example the time he interviewed a globally renowned business executive whose philanthropy is well known. When asked for that donor’s most meaningful gift, the answer wasn’t one of the multi-million-dollar gifts but rather a very modest gift to a local organization that doubled the number of children that could participate in youth sports.
At BWF, Jeff conducts intensive administrative audits, leads campaign planning studies, interviews major and principal gift donors, provides highly customized trainings for staff and volunteers, and crafts growth-justified staffing plans. And for him, it’s rewarding to play a small role in creating the innovations that will expand and enhance the fundraising field and the impact it can have in the world.
As the father of three, most of Jeff’s passions align with his children’s activities. But, when he’s not participating in their events, you’ll probably find him in the kitchen or on the tennis court.