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Tuesday, July 27, 2021
9:00 am
- Wednesday, July 28, 2021
1:15 pm
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BWF’s Public Comprehensive University Conference

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“Smart Strategies for Mid-Sized Programs”

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This virtual conference was scheduled for July 27-28, 2021

The best lessons and strategic discussions most often come from interacting with our peers. That is why we are bringing together a specific group to discuss the most relevant topics for mid-size programs. Last year made waves in fundraising strategies, engagement channels, and operating budgets to name a few. Re-focused and prioritized strategies will be essential for immediate program growth. This two-day conference will feature a presidential panel, a board development case study, the future of annual giving, topical break-out rooms, and more. Join us for our virtual conference this summer as we discuss “Smart Strategies for Mid-Sized Programs” in engaging sessions broken out over two consecutive mornings.

Registration is closed.

Download the Agenda as PDF

Virtual Conference Agenda (Times below listed in Eastern Time)

Day One: Tuesday, July 27

9:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.              Conference Overview and Welcome

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.           Board Development: Transitioning the Board from Fiduciary to Philanthropist
Speaker: Brad Walker, Texas A&M University – Kingsville

Description: Institutional Advancement at a regional public university can certainly be challenging, but the needs are great and the results can be quite gratifying. Start with your Board and be bold!

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.          Break

10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.          Trends in Philanthropy: A Year in Review and Look Ahead

Speaker: Josh Birkholz, BWF

Description: With an unprecedented year due to a global pandemic layered with social justice and political movements, we delve into industry insights and trends both looking back and what could lie ahead.

11:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.         Break

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.           Campaigns: Is Bigger Really Better?

Speakers: Dennis Prescott and Nick Perlick, BWF

Description: Fundraising has entered a demanding time of greater university dependence on philanthropy, and with these increased demands, ambitious goals are inevitable. But is bigger truly better?

1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.           Day One Wrap-Up and Adjourn

Day Two: Wednesday, July 28

9:00 a.m. – 9:10 a.m.              Day One Recap and Day Two Introduction

9:10 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.            Roundtable Discussions

Moderators: Nick Perlick, Mark Marshall, and Katrina Klaproth, BWF

Topics: Campaign Planning, Post-Pandemic Metrics, CRM Migration

10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.          Break

10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.          Meetings that Matter: Driving Fundraising Success through Deliberate Planning

Speakers: Jacqui Coones, Missouri State University and Bond Lammey, BWF

Description: Do you struggle with meeting fatigue within your development shop? In pandemic-times, this fatigue moved fully into the virtual space and only intensified. Missouri State University’s one-person prospect development shop used this as an opportunity to re-think their approach to discussing prospect strategies, balanced portfolios, and proposals in the pipeline as a development shop and in 1:1 partnership with gift officers. Join Jacqui and Bond as they discuss roadblocks and success towards this new approach and give practical advice for how to set your organization up for success.

10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.          Break

11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.          Innovations in Annual Giving: Emerging Digital Strategies

Speakers: Justin Ware, {{firstname}} and Ryan Sargent, Idaho State University

Description: As traditional phone programs continue to deliver dwindling ROI, higher education institutions are searching for “what comes next?” to replace the donors and dollars no longer provided by calling centers. BWF partner company {{firstname}} has answered this “what’s next?” question with the revolutionary Student Engagement Team program. To learn more about how this program works in the real world, Idaho State University’s Ryan Sargent will share his team’s experience with launching ISU’s SET program in late 2020.

11:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.         Break

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.           Presidential Panel

Panelists: Mary Papazian, San José State University, Scott Gordon, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Michael Benson, Coastal Carolina University

Description: Join our distinguished panel of university presidents as we discuss the challenges facing the role and insights into their fundraising perspectives.

1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.              Conference Closing Remarks

*Agenda is subject to change.

This conference is specially tailored for Chief Development Officers/Vice Presidents of Advancement of Comprehensive Public Universities. Please contact marketing@bwf.com with questions.