Jennifer Joos

Research Associate

Jennifer Joos has a passion for finding philanthropic donors. Simply put, prospect research—the act of questioning, digging, and verifying—is how her brain is wired and brings her immense joy. Jennifer is adept at taking an organization’s bright spots (the things that are done well) and teasing out the pain points (things that need fixing) and transforming them into new opportunities. She has witnessed firsthand the power philanthropy has to transform people’s lives for the better. Working in philanthropy provides her with a sense of personal fulfillment no other profession can match.

As a research associate with BWF, Jennifer assists with conducting donor research to help nonprofits identify and approach potential philanthropic donors. Her research includes prospect verification, prospect identification, and the development of in-depth profiles.

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. Zora Neale Hurston

When she’s not conducting research, Jennifer enjoys hiking the coastlines along the North Atlantic, having so far completed the Isles of Anglesey and Arran. She is also a voracious reader of fiction, a methodical DIY enthusiast, and an adventurous home cook willing to try any new recipe at least once.