Remote Donor Engagement During Physical Distancing
Not having face-to-face events doesn’t mean you can’t have important interactions. Join us for some active tips to keep engaged virtually.

Remote Donor Engagement During Physical Distancing
When inviting constituents (prospects and donors alike) to engage during a time full of change and distractions, there are a few important points to consider. How to best catch their attention, what is the message you want to convey, and how to ensure you are sensitive to whatever their situation might be. There are effective passive approaches: Emails and newsletters updating them on your organization and its mission in this moment. Additionally, for some, active approaches can work well. Sociologists remind us that people are naturally social beings, so finding ways to connect is important. Just because your event needs to be rescheduled and face to-face meetings in person are not appropriate right now doesn’t mean you have to stop these interactions from happening.