Prospect Research & Management

We all know what amount of production is theoretically possible for a prospect research shop. However, the theoretical often breaks down once real-life circumstances are considered. What factors should we look to, then, to establish prospect research metrics? This article outlines some different ways to think about metrics for your prospect research shop, regardless of size. Here are some of the points the article addresses:

  • Are there ever situations where we should set an ambitious goal for prospect research related to initial ratings?
  • We propose structuring prospect research goals so that they mirror the prospect development cycle (metrics that support gift officers having a specific distribution of prospects in qualification, cultivation, solicitation, stewardship, etc.).
  • Are there metrics outside of ratings that can be implemented for your prospect research team (quantify the number of prospects your research team has coded as stockholders in the database, or the number of news articles about top prospects they enter into the system)?

In summary, the article offers suggestions for how researchers can work smarter, not harder.

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